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Saleen Enthusiast Forums Welcome to the Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club's online forums! This is a family friendly place where all are welcome!

Sub-Forums : Saleen Enthusiast Forums
  Forum Last Post Threads Posts
The SOEC Lobby (7 Viewing)
Welcome to SOEC, and feel free to introduce yourself if you like. You don't have to be a member or an owner to be welcome at the Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club. If you're interested in a Saleen vehicle or just want to find out more about the hobby or the history of Saleens, please introduce yourself and we'll be glad to help.
1,434 13,955
Saleen Enthusiast News (19 Viewing)
Enthusiast related news, corporate press releases, major announcements and their discussions.
362 2,838
Saleen Enthusiast Events including the annual Saleen Show & Open House, Fabulous Fords Forever, Woodward Dream Cruise, NMRA Racing and Shows, MCA, Mustangs Northwest Roundup, etc. (Tip: click on "Thread Tools," and then select "Subscribe to This Forum" to get updates on specific threads by e-mail; under Forum Tools, you can select to get updates on all events).
785 5,216
Northeast (2 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, New York, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire & Maine.
120 785
Southeast (4 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in Virgina, West Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama & Florida.
152 1,008
Midwest (2 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas, Minnesota, Iowa, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois, Indiana & Michigan.
66 297
South (3 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Louisiana & Mississippi.
61 1,080
Southwest (9 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in California, Nevada, Utah, Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico & Hawaii.
310 1,667
Northwest (1 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming & Alaska.
23 70
Canada (1 Viewing)
Topics for events and get-togethers in Canada.
2 4
Topics for events and get-togethers in Europe.
6 34
Saleen enthusiast events where Steve Saleen will be attending.
56 1,361
Photos and videos from events, shows, gatherings, race days, or other memories to share digitally.
577 8,166
Download the latest issues of Saleen Alley and gain access to members-only offers and other benefits. If you are logged-in and have "SOEC Member" below your username, that means your SOEC membership is activated online. If you are a paid member but can't access the forum, please use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page so we can investigate the issue.
Private 0 0
Technical Service Bulletins and other resources to help you keep your Saleen running in top form. Full access is available to forum registrants. If you can't find a document, please PM us or use the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page with year, model and concern.
17 102
Saleen Registry (12 Viewing)
SOEC is currently collecting registry data for the launch of a new database to be set up by Saleen. Forum registrants will get an email when that is online. In this section you can also order copies of the 1984-1996 Saleen Owner's Registry as well as The Saleen Book: 20 Years of Saleen Mustangs 1984-2003 by Brad Bowling.
2 3
Detailing (6 Viewing)
Interior & Exterior Car Care discussions sponsored by Mothers Polishes-Waxes-Cleaners.
47 489

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All Original Content Copyright © 1991-2021 Saleen Owners and Enthusiasts Club, LLC (SOEC). All Rights Reserved.
SOEC is the official independent, non-profit organization for owners and enthusiasts of vehicles by Steve Saleen and Saleen Automotive, Inc.